Progress Update #5: Feb 4, 2019

Monday’s come around again so that must mean it’s time for another update on game dev progress for the last week.

Development of Rogue Lives this week focused mostly on the Bomb item. I added in cracked walls that can be blown up to reveal the doors behind them.

The code for the cracked walls uses the DamageableObject interface to find when it has taken damage and if that damage is of the new DamageType Explosive, it destroys the cracked portion revealing the door behind. That door might still be locked or closed due to other reasons so players will still have to take on all those snakes before they can get out.

I’ve also added in the ability to create doors sealed like this into the level generation algorithm. First, it checks if the player has bombs in their inventory and if they do, when choosing doors to lock, there’s a chance that instead they will be sealed behind cracked walls.

I also started working on an Interactive Item class. If the subtle name didn’t give it away, it is for items that the player can interact with like signs to be read or blocks to be pushed. Currently, it is used for picking up and dropping bombs that have already been placed. I have an idea for how to get bombs to be throwable so they can be used as a long range weapon and I will try to get that up and running in the next week.

I also made some larger changes to level generation. Now, instead of having a list of rooms to represent their connections to other rooms, Rooms have an array of 4 other Rooms set to null and changing when a connection is added. Similarly, their list of doors has become an array of four as well. This allows for easier access using directions to determine which door leads to which room. The previous method had given me errors when things didn’t line up so I’m hoping that this is less prone to breaking.

This allows for easier access using directions to determine which door leads to which room. The previous method had given me errors when things didn’t line up so I’m hoping that this is less prone to breaking.

Well, those were all the big changes for this week. I have some things taking up dev time this week but I should hopefully still have a lot to report about next week. See you then.

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